Claudia Hernández / Manager

We are a proudly Colombian company, with more than 15 years of experience in the cargo transportation and logistics sector. The most valuable thing about our company is the human team, made up of highly trained and experienced professionals in software development and quality management. We are committed to helping our customers grow their businesses, contributing to the progress of our country.

Today, Colombia Software attends to the management of cargo transportation and logistics with customers in Mexico and Chile, where we have applied all the experience on the demands of the Colombian government in those countries, giving them a quality contribution in their management.

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"We are moved to promote the country".


To build close relationships with our customers, by providing technological solutions that facilitate their operations to be more effective and efficient.


To be the first choice in technological solutions for the logistics sector due to the peace of mind that we generate in our customers with the services that we provide them.

Comprehensive policy.

Colombia Software, a technology solutions company for the logistics sector, is committed to complying with current regulations and applicable requirements in our management systems (Quality, information security and occupational health and safety), to maintain customer satisfaction, the confidentiality, integrity, availability of information, and the safety and health of workers, contractors and visitors, through the timely identification of hazards and management of risks that may affect our systems. Likewise, to strengthen the development of the skills of our people and the good performance of our processes to guarantee the continuous improvement of management systems, thus achieving a profitable and sustainable company over time.

Data protection

Colombia Software has a data protection policy.
See Document.

Integration, efficiency and quality

We have a rigorous control of our processes and we also apply it to our products and services. We have the INCONTEC Quality Certification (ISO 9001. 2015) and information security (ISO/IEC 27001. 2013).

Our Products

Our Team

Our Customers

Do you want to know more about why we are the best solution?

Historias de Éxito

Descubre cómo hemos contribuido en el crecimiento de los negocios de nuestros clientes.

Mauricio Montoya
Gerente General de Redetrans

“En los 12 años que llevo como gerente de Redetrans Silogtran ha sido el mejor aliado que hemos tenido”

Carlos Giraldo
Fundador de Logística Total

“Colombia Software nos ha brindado un acompañamiento importante y significativo en el desarrollo de nuevas ideas”

Mario Gutierrez
Gerente General de Transprensa

“Con Silogtran hemos podido tener el control total de nuestra operación a tal punto que hemos logrado la fidelidad de nuestros clientes”

Colombia Software